Example Calling EJB's using UD5.
Enterprise Java Bean's are similar to Uniface Services. They are functions written in Java that are deployed on a J2EE compliant server, such as the BEA Weblogics Server.
This example takes you through the steps necessary to use UD5 to activate an EJB on a BEA Weblogic Server.
Evaluation versions of BEA Weblogic Server may be downloaded from:
These examples require UD5 1.00.02 or higher. In the directory where you installed UD5, the sub-directory MrchHre
contains a modified version of the BEA Weblogic Server sample class examples.ejb20.basic.beanManaged.Client
named ClientTst
Perform these steps to try this example (example assumes that BEA Weblogic Server has been installed on the local machine in the BEA_HOME of e:\bea
and UD5 has been installed in d:\winnt4\usys72
set Path=g:\ora805\bin;g:\frmdev\bin;e:\bea\wlserver6.1\bin\oci816_7
cd \bea\wlserver6.1\config\examples
cd \bea\wlserver_10.0\samples\domains\wl_server
cd d:\winnt4\usys72\MrchHre
set CLASSPATH=.;%CLASSPATH%;d:\winnt4\usys72\MrchHre
set CLASSPATH=.;MrchHre.jar;E:\bea\wlserver_10.0\samples\server\examples\build\ejb20BeanMgedEar\ejb20BeanMgedEjb;%CLASSPATH%;d:\winnt4\usys72\MrchHre
javac -d . ClientTst.java
jar cvf MrchHre.jar examples
del examples\ejb20\basic\beanManaged\ClientTst.class
javac -d . ClientTst.java
jar cvf MrchHre.jar examples
del examples\ejb\ejb20\basic\beanManaged\ClientTstb.class
java examples.ejb20.basic.beanManaged.ClientTst "t3://localhost:7001"
java examples.ejb.ejb20.basic.beanManaged.ClientTstb "t3://localhost:7001"
) to include this line, e.g:[SERVICES_EXEC]
.Define Signature: CLIENTTST or CLIENTTSTB | |||||||
Operation Name | Communication Default | Stateless | Literal Name | Implementation | Return Value | Context | |
MAINTST | Synchronous | N | C | maintst | In First Parameter |
Define Parameter: MAINTST | |||||||
Parameter Name | In | Out | Data Type | Literal Name | Interface | Length | |
OUTSTR | N | Y | Basic | String | outstr | char * (length 2 - 10240) | 10000 |
ARGS | N | Y | Basic | String | args | char * (length 2 - 10240) | 4000 |
activate "CLIENTTST".MAINTST(result,args)
if ($procerror < 0)
putmess $procerrorcontext
message "UD5 returned an error - please see message frame."
$Revision: 1.8 $ $Date: 2011/02/28 02:56:32 $ | [go to top] |