[Cvsnt] Using CVS_RSH=ssh gives wrong user name "SYSTEM"

Terris terris at terris.com
Thu Dec 6 16:48:13 GMT 2001

Are you using SSH password authentication or SSH public key authentication?

cygwin's openssh server has a bug whereby if you use public key
authentication, the user is the user's that's running the sshd daemon rather
than the remote user.  The cygwin folks claim it's due to a problem with NT,
(funny how that's always the fall-back position for programmers)
but it's actually a problem with their understanding of NT.  They need to
look at the CVSNT pserver code.

If you really have to use public key authentication, use
VanDyke's vshell.  http://vandyke.com

"Ulrich Jakobus" <jakomail at emss.co.za> wrote in message
news:20011206062305.84F06D3EF at mail.emss.co.za...
> Hi,
> I am using CVSNT Build 41 (the latest stable) as
> CVS server on Win2k with several CVS clients on Linux/HP/Sun
> and other Windows machines.
> The protocal is :ext: with CVS_RSH=ssh, using sshd from Cygwin
> as SSH Server on the Win2k box.
> Everything works fine, except that all user names in the CVS
> log files appear to be SYSTEM instead of the real username,
> i.e. I get
>   date 2001.; author SYSTEM; state Exp;
> instead of
>   date 2001.; author jakobus; state Exp;
> sshd has been installed as service under the system account, but
> of course e.g. "ssh cvs_server whoami" correctly reports "jakobus"
> and not "SYSTEM", and also I see that CVS calls the external
> program ssh with the command line argument "-l jakobus". Other
> attempts to debug SSH (running the daemon in debug mode with
> options -ddd or calling ssh with the -v flag) clearly show that
> the ssh authentication works correctly. So I assume that this is
> a problem of CVSNT not getting the correct user name.
> Is anybody else observing this? Any idea what the reason might be?
> Any workaround that I might use?
> Thanks,
> Ulrich
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