[Cvsnt] Problem with locked files

Charles A. Canning ccanning at phiware.com
Mon Dec 17 22:27:15 GMT 2001

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I am new to this list and to CVS administration. Here is the problem (in
long form)

We have been running CVS NT for about 2-3 weeks and everything was
working fine. I rebooted our Win2000 server today, and now I am having
problems with the repository. Now, when I connect to the repository
using WinCVS 1.2 (with 1.3 cvs.exe) it locks every file/directory I
access and returns the message:

cvs server: failed to remove lock
/locks/CVSROOT/somedir/#cvs.wfl.dave(username).2316: Permission denied

and then when I try again

cvs server: [16:21:33] waiting for Unknown User's lock in

But, when I do it locally, I don't have any problems. Does anyone have
any idea

1) what caused this problem?
2) how to fix it?

This is what I have tried:

1) restart the CVS NT service
2) removing the locks manually (deleted lock files and directories)
3) restarting WinCVS

Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thanks.


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