[Cvsnt] how to set up user-aliases ? - still not working

Matthias Mohr MMohr at SysDesign-EDV.de
Tue Apr 2 11:26:40 BST 2002

Hi Bo,

> 1) As far as I have seen you must do everything in a single command, this means
> to create the login, set the alias and password all at once. This is how I would
> have done it:
> C:\>set cvsroot=:ntserver:<servermachinename>:C:/BaseDir/Repository
> C:\>cvs passwd -r MyNTUser -a MyCVSlogin
> New password:*******
> Verify password:*******
I currently tried the following:

C:\> cvs -d :pserver:OldUser at cvs.domain.com:/Repository passwd -r MyNTUser -D MyNTDomain -a MyAlias
 Adding user MyAlias at cvs.domain.com
 cvs [passwd aborted]: end of file from server (consult above messages if any)

C:\> cvs -d :pserver:OldUser at cvs.domain.com:/Repository passwd -r MyNTUser -a MyAlias
 Adding user MyAlias at cvs.domain.com
 New password: something
 Verify password: something
 cvs [passwd aborted]: end of file from server (consult above messages if any)

C:\> cvs -d :sspi:OldUser at cvs.domain.com:/Repository passwd -r MyNTUser -a MyAlias
 Adding user MyAlias at cvs.domain.com
 New password: something
 Verify password: something
 cvs [passwd aborted]: end of file from server (consult above messages if any)

> After this the passwd file would look like:
> MyCVSlogin:#@k7r3!fgrwk:MyNTUser
> Where the first part is the new cvs login and the middle part is the cvs password
> (encrypted) for this login and the third part is the valid NT user login to be used
> as alias when MyCVSlogin connects.
> Notes:
> - cvs passwd cannot change the domain password of any account it only deals with the
>   cvs login passwords, which are only used by cvs.
For sure, but it should not produce a "end of file" error message in that case.

> - When you enter a new cvs login it must be a valid NT login or you must supply the
>   login name of a valid NT account
That is true, my user from "-r" option is always a valif NT domain login user who works
when directly used, but not when used via an alias.

> - when cvs accepts a pserver login it only checks the name and password then if OK it
>   checks if there is an alias associated with the login. If there is an alias it will
>   use that account for operations otherwise it will look for an NT account by the same
>   name as the cvs login and use that. This is why it must exist or be aliased.
Yes, that's exactly what I try to do.
I have valid NT-User the cvs login with that user would work.
But I want to map them through aliases (WITHOUT setting an extra password for the aliases !).
After adding an alias, the user should be able to "cvs login" with that alias and with the
password of the NT-domain user to which the alias points.

> - in no case will cvs use any login procedure involving the system passwords to be able
>   to use the original or aliased account. It simply uses it since it runs as the SYSTEM
>   with all priviliges.
I don't understand this sentence.

> What I see you are trying to do that is not what I would do is:
> == You use :local: mode, I would use ntserver mode
Doesn't matter, it's just a temporary use when I'm sitting at the server which I normally
not do :-)

> == You are first adding a user then aliasing it, I would do both in the same command
I tried this, but it doesn't work if used together with domain passwords.

> == You are trying to use the domain password for cvs login, this will not work
>    you must use the cvs password given during the cvs login setup
That is the point. Why not ?
I don't want to setup "new users", I just want to setup aliases which lead to valid
NT-user. And the aliases should use the password of user they point to.
And it should not matter if I entered this user with a password in the passwd-file
or if I directly use the NT-user with their NT-passwords.

And the cvs-commands should give back much better error messages; a simple
"end of file from server" is not very expressive....

with regards,

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