[cvsnt] problem creating CVSROOT/Passwd file

Serrano, Daniel (CORP, DDEMESIS) Daniel.Serrano at ddemesis.ge.com
Thu Aug 8 17:51:17 BST 2002

hi all.

I´m installing cvs NT 57f) on an NT workStation 4.00.1381 and
everything is ok, but when I try to add users to the cvs with the command:

C:\>cvs passwd -a serranodp
Adding user serranodp at
New password: ***
Verify password: ***
cvs [server aborted]: Only administrators can add users

And the file never is created.
I have the cvs services running.
i run the command "set cvsroot..." before.
So, Whay I have to do?

Thanks in advance.

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