[cvsnt] Strange error using cvs ls

Bo Berglund Bo.Berglund at system3r.se
Tue Aug 20 14:04:12 BST 2002

I am setting up a new laptop for my use at work and now I have fiddled with CVS.
I installed the latest WinCvs and then pointed the alternate exe to my 57g CVSNT.
I have copied the sandbox directories from my old PC to the new one (same location).
The new PC is an XP Pro and the old is a W2000 Pro.

This check returns exactly the same on both machines:
cvs ver

*****CVS exited normally with code 0*****

Client: Concurrent Versions System (CVSNT)  (Build 57g) (client/server)
Server: Concurrent Versions System (CVSNT)  (Build 57g) (client/server)

When I issue the cvs ls command on the new machine I get this response:

cvs ls -l
Here it takes forever so I stop it.
*****CVS stopped on user request !!! *****

Listing modules on server

cvs [server aborted]: cannot stat directory D:/CVSTEMP/CVSLOCKS/g a module that consists of many directories
# spread out over the entire source repository.
: Bad address

But if I do the exact same thing on the old PC I get this almost instantly:
cvs ls -l

*****CVS exited normally with code 0*****

Listing modules on server

BranchTest                      (directory)
CVSROOT                         (directory)
EDCell                          (directory)
InfoView3R                      (directory)
Offsets3Rdll                    (directory)
PalletCheck                     (directory)
RobServer                       (directory)
WMAuto22                        (directory)
WMAuto23                        (directory)
WMRemote                        (directory)

I also observed that when using the new PC, CVSNT created a subdir in the CVSTEMP dir but did no such thing
in the old PC.
There is also a subdir in CVSTEMP/CVSLOCKS named 'ut over the entire source repository'...
What is going on here?

I have tried changing root between ntserver and sspi back and forth using the TCL macro but it seems to have no effect.

Best regards,

Bo Berglund

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