[cvsnt] invalid change text over and over again

Tony Hoyle tmh at nodomain.org
Tue Dec 3 17:38:29 GMT 2002

On Tue, 3 Dec 2002 12:05:48 +0200, "Lionello Lunesu"
<lionello.lunesu at crystalinter.remove.com> wrote:

>We are getting many "invalid change text" errors lately. These started 1
>week ago when we installed a dedicated build server with the latest (build
>62) cvsnt.
>The build server occasionally updates the modules and increments a version
>number if any API header files have changed. This version number is in a
>header file itself and the build server edits&commits this file
>automatically. In fact, there are a couple of these files and it's mostly
>these files that give the "invalid change text" errors..
It looks like something started to go wrong about version 1.29
27/11/2002 12:57 UTC.  Up until that point everything was OK, then
somehow the deltas all got screwed up.

Could there be something else accessing or modifying the RCS file?  

I've just spent two hours staring at the same bit of code trying to
work out how it could generate that file, and drawn a blank.

What is your CVSROOT setting?  The output of 'cvs version' would be
handy, too.


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