[cvsnt] invalid change text over and over again

Lionello Lunesu lionello.lunesu at crystalinter.remove.com
Wed Dec 4 14:50:28 GMT 2002


> I'm running out of ideas.  I tried various combinations of edit/unedit
> and still couldn't reproduce it.  Committing to a 'broken' file
> doesn't even cause it (which means it must be happening for you on
> each commit rather than propogating a single error to multiple
> commits).

You mean, something went wrong EVERY time one of those "@d1 3" appears? So
it's not possible that it got corrupted somewhere and each edit/commit pair
would 'for some reason' simply copy the last, corrupted, revision log?

> Are there any scripts running on loginfo/commitinfo/verifymsg etc.?

We have only this one entry in loginfo:
DEFAULT dgloginfo.exe "%{sVv}" "$USER"
...which has some other problems by the way, namely not working for people
outside the LAN, but that's not so important, since they mostly do 'update'.
I'll do a seperate post for this when 'this' is over :-)

> Did you download the installer or compile your own version?

We used the installer on the server / most clients (including the build
server). On my PC I only downloaded the zipped binaries and put the dir in

> Value of TEMP and TMP that the server is using (this should be the
> same as in the control panel but you can check by stopping the service
> and running 'cvsservice -test').

CVS  (Build 62) (Nov 22 2002) starting in test mode.
Adding repository d:/cvsroot
TEMP/TMP currently set to C:\WINNT\TEMP
Initialising socket...ok
*WARNING* Impersonation is disabled - all file access will be done as System
Starting auth server on port 2401/tcp...
Starting named pipe server...
CVS initialised successfully

(By the way, with impersonation enabled, we get some very strange behaviour.
I remember CVS being incredibly slow also CPU usage would go to 100%. Forget
about it for the moment, I will test it some other time when I have, in
fact, more time).

> Amount of free disk space on the server.
C: (windows + temp) 2.14GB
D: (repository) 502MB


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