[cvsnt] Re: SSH Support

Chris Yocum cyocum at hotmail.com
Mon Dec 23 21:29:06 GMT 2002

In article <au6mol$n9d$1 at sisko.nodomain.org>, tmh at nodomain.org says...
>Chris Yocum wrote:
>> I am trying to use CVSNT build 63 with the SSH support.  I
>> can use pserver and ntserver protocols perfectly.  However, when I try to
>> use this form of the SSH protocol :ssh:cyocum at chrishome:/TEST, I get
>> Incorrect
>> password or key.  I checked to make sure that I was entering the correct
>> password with the pserver protocol.  Is there something that I am missing?
>Hmm... so you did:
>cvs -d :ssh:cyocum at chrishome:/TEST login
>and that worked, followed by
>cvs -d :ssh:cyocum at chrishome:/TEST co <something>
>and that failed?
>Strange...  The ssh server isn't nearly as well tested as anything else
>though (which is why it's marked experimental) so it doesn't entirely
>surprise me.  I'll look into it.

     That is not exactly what I did.  What I did was:
     set cvsroot=:ssh:cyocum at chrishome:/TEST
     cvs login
     password prompt

     Sorry for the confusion.  I should know better than to do this while I am 
not in front of my work machine.  Also, when I ran cvsssh -test I kept getting 
unknown error -11 from what appeared to be threads trying to connect.  
However, I have no clue what error -11 is.  This would happen every few 
seconds.  Also, I am running this on a Win2k Server machine.  I should be in 
front of my work machine and can give you more information then.  Again, sorry 
for any confusion.


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