[cvsnt] pserver login not working any more ?

David Nexen php4 at nexenservices.com
Mon Dec 23 22:33:41 GMT 2002

> ICS shouldn't make any difference here.  Not sure what ICF is I think
> XP only, although if you can connect I'd expect it to work - what do you
> get if you telnet to port 2401?

Telnet localhost 2401 seems to work no message from telnet that tells that
it doesnt work.
I get a cursor with nothing ?

> Unless your copy of Norton is an old one (in which case it would be pretty
> useless anyway as it needs to be kept up to date) then it should be OK.

I make an error, in fact i haven't norton installed, it was installed in my
previous installation of xp.
I have no anti-virus for the moment !
I try to change the attribute "real only" in my cvs repo dir, but niothing

In my config :

C:/cvs is the prefix

/depot is the repository

C:\cvs\depot\CVSROOT contains a passwd file that contains :


I' m connecting to xp with the "david" account.

I have the (build 63) version of the server.

I' doesnt understand what append.


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