[cvsnt] pserver login not working any more ?

David Nexen php4 at nexenservices.com
Tue Dec 24 11:42:18 GMT 2002

> If you watch the logging when it's running in test mode you should get
> output when it receives a connection from the client, and it'll tell you
> it successfully ran cvs.exe (more accurately it'll tell you if it fails).
> Tony

See what I get :

Starting auth server on port 2401/tcp...
Socket Failed (Handle=ffffffff Family=23,Socktype=1,Protocol=6): * Une
adresse incompatible avec le protocole demandÚ a ÚtÚ utilisÚe.  (not
fatal) Starting named pipe server...
CVS initialised successfully
0014d88a: Process 00000760 started
0014d90c: Process 00000760 terminated

when trying to make a cvs login with the cvsroot :
set cvsroot=:pserver:david at CASANOVA:/depot
cvs login

Everything seems to work correctly ?
But I get the error reading from the cvs login ...


ps : is the cvsnt a newsgroup somewhere ?

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