[cvsnt] Re: access is denied?

Robert Blanton r.blanton at stanleyassociates.com
Mon Dec 30 13:39:05 GMT 2002

I have IIS on a Win2K Svr.  I switched to apache and tomcat since I was
testing J2EE web apps and EJBs.  I can still use IIS, just switch the port
that it listens on so it doesn't conflict with apache, right?  Do you have
any instructions for getting cvsweb running on IIS or know where I can find
them?  Thanks.

"Bo Berglund" <bo.berglund at telia.com> wrote in message
news:0pou0vkp8vpne5afsuqg2hh3gl376kv0hr at 4ax.com...
> On Sun, 29 Dec 2002 11:40:04 -0500, "Robert Blanton"
> <r.blanton at charter.net> wrote:
> >However, I am still not able to access via the cvsweb.cgi script.  I get
> >same error "(720005)Access is denied.  : couldn't spawn child process:
> >D:/ApacheGroup/Apache2/cgi-bin/cvsweb.cgi" from the apache error.log.
> >webpage says Internal Server Error.  I'm making progress but still not
> >yet.
> >
> >Anyone out there using cvsweb run into this same problem?  The drive is
> >and I'm logged in with admin rights so where is this error coming from?
> >Apache config issues or cvsweb issues?
> >
> I am running both CvwWeb AND ViewCvs on several servers, but in al
> cases it is with Microsoft IIS 5, not Apache. If you change to IIS I
> can probably help you get it running...
> /Bo
> (Bo Berglund, developer in Sweden)

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