[Cvsnt] How can checkout CVSROOT/modules

Jo.Kilian at gmx.de Jo.Kilian at gmx.de
Mon Feb 11 09:01:42 GMT 2002

>I'm not a WinCVS user (I prefer the command-line tool),
>but all you will probably need is to convert:
>    cvs history -c -a -l | awk '{sub(/[/].*/,"",$8); print $8;}' | sort -u
>to Python.  All the above does is:
>  a) collect the output of the cvs history
>  b) strip field 8 (delimited by spaces/tabs) of all
>     characters following the first '/' character
>  c) prints _only_ field 8 (throws away all other fields)
>  d) perform a unique sort (throwaway duplicates) of
>     the result.
>I imagine that would be quite easy in Python.

It's qite easy in Perl too ... ;-)


#!/usr/bin/perl -w
# cvsmodules - List all modules in repository
# by Johannes Kilian (jo.kilian at gmx,de)
use strict;

use vars qw($VERSION);

$VERSION = '1.000';

open LOG, "cvs history -c -a -l |";

my %modules;

while (<LOG>) {
  # Replace all tabs with space
  $_ =~ s/\t+/ /g;
  # Replace all multiple spaces with single space
  $_ =~ s/ +/ /g;
  # Split the line into words (word separator: space)
  my @words = split(/ /, $_);

  # Build a hash containing only the module names

# Print out a sorted list of all the modules
print "$_\n" for sort { lc $a cmp lc $b } keys(%modules);

exit 0;


=head1 NAME

cvsmodules - List CVS modules




Use B<cvsmodules> to determine all the modules defined in the
current CVS repository. The CVS repository can be set, using
the environmenet variable CVSROOT.

As a prerequisite, the history feature of CVS has to be turned
on. To do this, you will need to make a file called history
in <cvs-repository>/CVSROOT.  Changes to the repository are
recorded in that file.

=head1 OPTIONS


=head1 AUTHOR

Johannes Kilian <jo.kilian at gmx.de> (based on a suggestion from
Andrew Hamilton-Wright )


# End of file.

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