[Cvsnt] CVS NT server IP changed

Bo Berglund bo.berglund at telia.com
Thu Feb 7 19:37:20 GMT 2002

On Thu, 7 Feb 2002 19:22:37 +0000 (UTC), "Eugene Kovelman"
<EKovelman at mws.com> wrote:

>I changed the ip value in the CVSROOT string in WinCVS 1.3, but when I try =
>to login, it still tries to login to the previos IP, I cannot seem to find =
>a place to change that.   I installed and reinstalled the client, but it =
>keeps the history somewhere of all the CVSROOT values.  How do I get the =
>client to login to the new IP ?

You are probably trying to change the server for an already checked
out working file set. But that will fail because you only need to log
in to the server for the initial checkout, after that the CVS system
keeps track of where the files came from and will connect you
automatically to that server every time you do an update or commit or
similar cvs operations.
This information is cached in the CVS/Root file that exists in every
directory under CVS control. You have to change these files first.

(Bo Berglund, developer in Sweden)
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