[Cvsnt] Even stranger behaviour...

Tony Hoyle tmh at nothing-on.tv
Sun Jan 27 11:08:34 GMT 2002

Bo Berglund wrote:

> done
> cvs commit: inflate: invalid block type
> cvs [commit aborted]: reading from server: Input/output error
> *****CVS exited normally with code 1*****
> What in the world does this mean????

It's related to using -z.  I haven't seen it in a while, though - 1.10.8
used to suffer from it a lot.  It means it couldn't unzip the data at
the other end.

> *****CVS exited normally with code 0*****
> cvs -z9 commit -m "Small changes" mangedoc.txt (in directory
> C:\Engineering\TEST\BosseTest\Nisse\)
> cvs [commit aborted]: the :ntserver: access method is not supported by
> this port of CVS
> *****CVS exited normally with code 1*****
> Apparently not a good solution, but why does not CVSNT cvs.exe support
> ntserver? A really surprising discovery...
You have to copy the protocol DLLs (ntserver_protocol.dll, etc.) into the

same directory, otherwise it won't support anything except local mode.


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tmh at nothing-on.tv

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