[Cvsnt] pserver

david_palmer at westlb.co.uk david_palmer at westlb.co.uk
Wed Jul 24 10:39:01 BST 2002


I'm stumped. Can't get pserver to work. Wisdom please. Today I'm using my work
e-mail address david_palmer at westlb.co.uk

What have I got:
cvsnt installed on the c drive up and running as per the readme file that comes
with the install exe.
The pc which is networked into a domain. It's NT4 service pack 6

SystemAuth=yes  #so that domain passwords are used

Problem 1: When trying to add passwd entries. My logon has local admin rights
but I log into the domain to gain access to the pc.  Do I need to logon localy?
     H:\>set cvsroot=:ntserver:PCB3700:/crisp

     H:\>cvs passwd -a palmerd
     Adding user palmerd at PCB3700
     New password: ********
     Verify password: ********
     cvs [server aborted]: Only administrators can add users

Problem 2: So I hack the passwd file and tried the following entries in a
(serial manner). DOM-WLB is the domain name

This is what I get from a client (which is the same pc just a different shell):
     H:\>set cvsroot=:pserver:palmerd at PCB3700:/crisp

     H:\>cvs login
     Logging in to :pserver:palmerd at PCB3700:2401/crisp
     CVS password: ********
     Fatal error, aborting.
     cvs [login aborted]: palmerd: no such user

Here I switched to domain but made a mistake and put an _ instead of -.
Interesting response though. Proves that the real one is actually doing
     H:\>set cvsroot=:pserver:DOM_WLB\palmerd at PCB3700:/crisp

     H:\>cvs login
     Logging in to :pserver:DOM_WLB\palmerd at PCB3700:2401/crisp
     CVS password: ********
     cvs [login aborted]: unrecognized auth response from PCB3700: cvs server:
error 0 Invalid username - cannot specify domain as machine is not a domain

And finally this is where I am now .... and stuck.
     H:\>set cvsroot=:pserver:DOM-WLB\palmerd at PCB3700:/crisp

     H:\>cvs login
     Logging in to :pserver:DOM-WLB\palmerd at PCB3700:2401/crisp
     CVS password: ********
     cvs [login aborted]: authorization failed: server PCB3700 rejected access
to /crisp for user DOM-WLB\palmerd

Curiously WinCvs using Admin->Prefrences->General->CVSROOT
palmerd at PCB3700:/crisp and ntserver as authentication works fine. As does the
sandbox example that Are Bjolseth uses in the cvsnt FAQ. I think this just
exposes my lack of understanding on the subject.


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