[Cvsnt] Moving of files in another partition (CVS)

Koch Marc EXT Marc.Koch.extern at icn.siemens.de
Fri Jul 26 13:46:50 BST 2002


simply stop all CVS logins and CVS services.
Then xcopy or move your repository to the new
larger drive. Then apply changes to your CVSROOT,
CVSHOME environment and registry. When using
the new CVSNT you can choose its GUI to do so.


Marc Koch
MK Technologies

-----Original Message-----
From: srikanth mani [mailto:vsgindia at starmail.cc]
Sent: Freitag, 26. Juli 2002 13:44
To: cvsnt at cvsnt.org
Subject: [Cvsnt] Moving of files in another partition (CVS)

As my CVS data size is growing to a large volume in C:drive cvsroot inside =
the module name task, please suggest how to move the cvs root folder to ano=
ther partition of large size and it will affect any problem to work on it.

thanks and cheer.

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