[Cvsnt] rlog problem on cvsweb NT

Matthew_Johnson at ibi.com Matthew_Johnson at ibi.com
Fri Jun 28 23:46:24 BST 2002

Hi, I have the same problem that vvl below, and apparently several others,
have had. I'm running cvswebnt with Apache on Windows 2000, and the initial
cvsweb page comes up fine, but when I click on a module I get the "Failed to
spawn GNU rlog on ..." message.

I looked at cvsweb.cgi and found that it's calling rlog -r [list of
filenames]. I went to a command prompt and tried calling rlog myself, both
with the list and individual filesnames, and it doesn't work:

C:\>rlog -r c:/cvsrep/CVSROOT/checkoutlist,v,
rlog: c:/cvsrep/CVSROOT/RCS/checkoutlist,v,: No such file or directory

(Calling "cvs rlog CVSROOT", on the other hand, outputs lots of

This all suggests to me that my version of RCS (the one from
http://www.cs.purdue.edu/homes/trinkle/RCS/) is not the version cvsweb.cgi
is expecting. But then what is?

Any help would be greatly appreciated.


-----Original Message-----
I see following error, trying to access cvsweb repository on NT 4/ SP6 /
Error: Failed to spawn GNU rlog on 'c:/cvs/CVSROOT//checkoutlist,v,
c:/cvs/CVSROOT//commitinfo,v, c:/cvs/CVSROOT//config,v,
c:/cvs/CVSROOT//cvswrappers,v, c:/cvs/CVSROOT//editinfo,v,
c:/cvs/CVSROOT//loginfo,v, c:/cvs/CVSROOT//modules,v,
c:/cvs/CVSROOT//notify,v, c:/cvs/CVSROOT//rcsinfo,v,
c:/cvs/CVSROOT//taginfo,v, c:/cvs/CVSROOT//verifymsg,v'

did you set the $ENV{PATH} in your configuration file correctly ?

Well, rlog executable is in path. I wonder what else can cause this problem.
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