[Cvsnt] ViewCVS

Jones, David G DavidG.Jones at gbr.xerox.com
Fri Jun 14 15:34:24 BST 2002

Hi, I noticed a little while back that some people had managed to get
ViewCVS running on windows using the version from
http://russ.hn.org/viewcvs/ and I was hoping for some help.

I've followed the instructions in the INSTALL and README but I'm getting an
error when I first hit the viewcvs.cgi page:

Python Messages:
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/viewcvs\lib/viewcvs.py", line 2660, in main
    request = Request()
  File "/viewcvs\lib/viewcvs.py", line 131, in __init__
    parts = filter(None, string.split(where, '/'))
  File "C:\Python22\lib\string.py", line 117, in split
    return s.split(sep, maxsplit)
AttributeError: 'NoneType' object has no attribute 'split'

Does anyone know what's wrong - it looks like a library is missing/has
changed.  I'm running with ActivePython 2.2.1 (should I have the version
from Python.org?) on Apache and NT4

Also, which way should the slashes go in file paths in the .conf file on
Win32 (or does it not matter)?



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