Vedr.: Re: [Cvsnt] Help with usage...

P. Dwayne Miller dmiller at
Fri Mar 22 15:04:27 GMT 2002

Thanks,  that seems to work great!

jml at wrote:

>Better is perhaps:
>cvs -q rdiff -s -D "last week" somemodulename
>This command limits the list to files in a certain module, and lists files
>committed by any user.
>If the history command is used as Tony suggests it will only list commits
>made by yourself. If an -a switch is added it will list commits by any
>user, but still it lists all committed files in the entire repository, and
>the list will contain duplicates if a file has been commited several times
>since the specified date.
>You may use a wide variety of date-formats e.g. yesterday, 2002-01-01,
>02-01-01, "1 jan 2002" etc.
>Jørgen Møller Larsen, KMF
>Nykredit Data
>email: jml at
>Tlf. direkte 96 35 50 69
>                    Tony Hoyle
>                    <tmh at nothing-        Til:    cvsnt at
>          >               cc:
>                    Sendt af:            Vedr.:  Re: [Cvsnt] Help with usage...
>                    cvsnt-admin at c
>                    2002-03-20
>                    22:40
>                    Besvar
>                    venligst til
>                    Tony Hoyle
>Dwayne Miller wrote:
>>I'm trying to get a list of files that have been modified after a
>>certain date, but I cannot find a command that does that.
>>The log command looks like it should work, but when I try it, I get all
>>of the file names in the repository, and those that have been modified,
>>I receive some extra revision information.
>>So, the question is... is there a way to retrieve a list of only those
>>files that have been committed after a certain date?
>Use the history command:
>cvs history -c -D "last week"
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