[Cvsnt] update weirdness
Bo Berglund
bosse at agiusa.com
Mon Mar 25 19:19:28 GMT 2002
Merging is the process of getting the changes from one place entered into
Usually this means getting someone elses committed changes merged (or
patched) into
your local file. Here it sits for your examination until you are satisfied
it is a
good file and do the commit to the server.
At this time your changes are added to the ones done by the other party and
a new
revision is created on the repository.
There is another use of "merge" and that is when you have created a branch
on your
trunk and you have edited and committed one or a few files on the branch for
a while
until you think these files are good. At this point you want to merge the
file changes
back to the trunk into the head revision. This process is a bit complicated
if there have been a number of commits done to both the branch and the
CVS needs to apply your total changes on the branch to the revision you
checked out
as a branch originally and then propagate these changes along the trunk with
all of
the trunk changes intact until it reaches the HEAD. Chances are high that
there will
be conflicts along the way and you will have to resolve these.
Therefore, apparently, branches are not meant to be used extensively. All
main work
should be done on the trunk. Only if you have very special things to do that
may well
end up a blind alley should you use branches.
And keep them short-lived.
At least this is what I have learned. I have only used branches myself to
patch in a
needed bugfix on an old release where the customer could not use the most
release. This bugfix was never merged back because the trunk was way ahead.
I simply
edited in the same fix on the HEAD revision manually.
-----Original Message-----
From: Tim Diez [mailto:tim.diez at imibevcore.com]
Sent: den 25 mars 2002 15:40
To: bo.berglund at telia.com
Subject: RE: [Cvsnt] update weirdness
ah, I see. So I'll only see changes if someone else has checked in changes
in the mean time? It won't merge my local changes after I checked out from
the head back into the head version? That's good to know.
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Bo Berglund [mailto:bo.berglund at telia.com]
> Sent: Sunday, March 24, 2002 4:06 PM
> To: cvsnt at cvsnt.org
> Subject: Re: [Cvsnt] update weirdness
> On Fri, 22 Mar 2002 23:12:05 +0000 (UTC), Tony Hoyle
> <tmh at nothing-on.tv> wrote:
> >Tim Diez wrote:
> >> Hello all,
> >>
> >> When I update a file that I have changed locally, it doesn't merge
> >>the changes. cvs will tell me it's been merged:
> >> ===================
> >> $ cvs up -A test.txt
> >> M test.txt
> >> ===================
> >> but the file doesn't change. Cvs never takes the file
> changes from the
> >>repository version. The file always stays as the local version.
> >>
> >'M' means that file is locally modified but not committed to the
> >repository. It isn't supposed to change.
> >
> >Tony
> >
> Well,
> if the file in the repository is a later revision than the one in the
> sandbox surely update will change the sandbox file by merging. The
> fact that the file is merged can be seen in the output too as a P (for
> patched) in front of the name. M means locally modified which is still
> true until you commit your changes.
> But when this happens your local file revision will jump to the latest
> revision in the repository too and then things will only change if
> there are changes committed.
> If you only see M then noone else has committed any changes to the
> repository after your last update and you have the latest revision in
> your sandbox and it is modified (by you).
> /Bo
> /Bo
> (Bo Berglund, developer in Sweden)
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