[cvsnt] CVSWeb annotate is broken - cvsnt Build 57a

Gerhard Stegemann GStegemann at csi.com
Sun Mar 24 18:42:26 GMT 2002

"Tony Hoyle" <tmh at nothing-on.tv> schrieb
 im Newsbeitrag news:3C9E0DDA.6000008 at nothing-on.tv...

> > I'm not really sure, since it worked before I have installed
> > CVSNT Build 57a.
> The annotate code in cvsweb isn't very fault tolerant so if anything
> changes or fails it just falls over.

Is quite possible.

> It's probably something other than cvsnt (since every other client
> works perfectly and the annotate hasn't changed in months) but tracking
> it down is quite difficult.

However, do you have an explanation, when the annotate fails, that the
created CVS process never stops? It continues to execute and leaves
the temp-directory. This does not happen with CVS.EXE of builds 40
and 41. And I don't see these temporary directories then. Maybe this
has something to do with the problem.

> I suggest you contact arthur barrett and see if he's got any ideas.

I will try this too.

Gerhard Stegemann

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