[Cvsnt] created a new branch, cannot commit files

Zeno Lee Zeno.Lee at TradeWeb.com
Thu May 9 15:30:34 BST 2002

Running cvs NT build 27 on Windows 2000 SP2
WinCVS 1.2

1. I created a new branch, by forking the selection
2. I checked out a fresh copy of this branch to a new directory

*****CVS exited normally with code 0*****

3. I modified a file and tried to commit it to the branch and I get the
cvs commit -m "no message" ZSubaccountPage.h (in directory
  cvs server: Up-to-date check failed for `ZSubaccountPage.h'
  cvs [commit aborted]: reading from server: Invalid argument

*****CVS exited normally with code 1*****

4. I try to update the file

cvs update ZSubaccountPage.h (in directory C:\Branch_10\Main\)
cvs server: conflict: ZSubaccountPage.h is modified but no longer in the
C ZSubaccountPage.h

*****CVS exited normally with code 1*****

5. I try to update the file with a sticky tag and it shows up as modified.
cvs update -r Branch_10 ZSubaccountPage.h (in directory C:\Branch_10\Main\)
M ZSubaccountPage.h

*****CVS exited normally with code 0*****

CVS is confused about whether this file exists in the branch.  I can update
with a sticky tag, but afterwards, updating fails to see the file in the
branch.  I can't commit the file even right after checking this module out

Any ideas?

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