Error with Casesensitive Tagnames (was: [cvsnt] Strange behaviour with tag)

Johannes Kilian Jo.Kilian at
Mon Nov 4 15:44:52 GMT 2002

Hi everybody

I found the reason for my problem (see beneath)

The tag was originally set to "build_ViXml4c_401_1_0_0" (remark lowercase
"c"). Then I tried by mistake to use the tag with an uppercase "C" which led to
the behaviour as described beneath.

There seems to be an error in the case-sensitivity of the tag handling - or
the error messages are not meaningful enough. Either lowercase/uppercase
versions of tagnames should be treated as completly different (I would prefer
this solution) - or there should be no error with the usage of
lowercase/uppercase tagnames. I randomly discovered the different tagnames by looking into the
"val-tags" file in the repository. Manipulating the "val-tags" file by
replacing "c" with "C" everything works fine ...
BTW: Whats the meaning of the "val-tags"-file? When is it updated? Is it a
"sin" to manipulate it by hand? ;-) Is it an extension of cvsnt or is it part
of old fashioned cvs? Wouldn't this also be a nice place to store information
of the modules the tags refer to (instead of browsing the entire history


> Hi there, 
> I've got the following problem:
> Trying to checkout a tagged file, leeds to the following:
> -----------------------------------------------------
> cvs -Q -d ":sspi:CVS:D:\CVSRepository\ETCSourcecode" checkout -r
> "build_ViXml4C_401_1_0_0" Extern/ViXml4C/build/constants.h
> cvs server: in directory .:
> cvs [server aborted]: there is no version here; do 'cvs checkout' first
> -----------------------------------------------------
> In the repository there is - for sure - the requested file. So I 
> assumed the
> tag to be wrong.
> Omitting the tag  leads to checkout  tosucced ! So something must 
> be wrong,
> with the tag. Looking in the requested file in the repository, 
> the following
> tagname is there (which is exactly the same as above ...)
> -----------------------------------------------------
> head	1.1;
> access;
> symbols
> 	build_ViXml4C_401_1_0_0:1.1;
> locks; strict;
> comment	@ * @;
> ......
> ----------------------------------------------------
> Now I deleted the tag in the whole module (using "cvs rtag -d 
> ....") and was
> successfull.
> Reapplying the same tag 
> -----------------------------------------------------
> cvs -d ":sspi:CVS:D:\CVSRepository\ETCSourcecode" rtag
> build_ViXml4C_401_1_0_0 Extern/ViXml4C
> ------------------------------------------------------
> suceeds , but has the following message at the end:
> ------------------------------------------------------
> ...
> cvs rtag: attempt to insert duplicate key `build_ViXml4C_401_1_0_0'
> ------------------------------------------------------
> Oops! What does this mean? Is this concerned with the error above??

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