[cvsnt] Error: Failed to spawn GNU rlog

Hemant Joshi hmjoshi2000 at yahoo.com
Fri Nov 15 16:57:31 GMT 2002

         I read through this post and followed all the suggestions to get rid
of the problem. I have defined cvs lockdir and the directory has all
permissions for access. I also have gnurcs tools in my PATH. What I am not sure
about is if the author name consists of alpha numeric characters like v814hmj
in my case[ My company has this standard for user names], will it still could
be the problem? 
     There was some talk going on regarding right version of gnu rcs tools? Can
you guys have a look at these entries in my cvsweb.conf that I changed. May be
that will explain something."d:\working\mycvs" is the my cvsroot."d:\cvsnt" is
my folder of installation of cvsnt. and "c:\gnuzip" has gzip.exe[this folder is
in $PATH]." c:\gnurcs" has diff.exe, rlog.exe [This folder is in $PATH]

	'mycvs' => 'd:/working/mycvs'

# This tree is enabled by default when
# you enter the page
# $cvstreedefault = 'Configuration';
$cvstreedefault = 'mycvs';

# remember to set the path to your
# rcsutils: rlog, rcsdiff (gzip if you use compression)
$ENV{'PATH'} = 'c:/gzip;c:/rcs;d:/cvsnt;D:/Program Files/GNU/WinCvs 1.3';

My cvsweb.cgi file has only one change and that is
# User configuration is stored in
$config = $ENV{'CVSWEB_CONFIG'} || 'C:/Program Files/Apache

My entries in rcsinfo,v file under CVSROOT of imported project has entries as

head     1.1;
access   ;
symbols  ;
locks    ; strict;
comment  @# @;

date     2002.;  author v814hmj;  state Exp;
next     ;


When I click on first page http://localhost/cgi-bin/cvsweb/cvsweb.cgi/
I get to see my repository and one module in cvstree. But when I click on this
link, I get the error Failed to spawn rlog.
My system is windows 2000 server with apache 2 and cvsnt windows installer
version I am also using perl from activestate version 5.6.1

Any suggestions are appreciated.

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