[cvsnt] Importing binaries on Windows

bmstroh at cavtel.net bmstroh at cavtel.net
Fri Nov 15 21:50:55 GMT 2002

Is it possible that the cvs.exe distributed with CVSNT has a problem
importing binaries on Windows?  This appears to be an old CVS bug, from
what I found on Google groups - the messages were all from a 95-96
timeframe.  I think it's more CR/LF related than keyword related, based on
the changes in file size.
I was importing a baseline of a web site, and most of the GIFs were
corrupted, even with -kb.
I replaced the CVSNT cvs.exe with a binary from cvshome.org, and got a
successful import.
Just wanted to pass this along in case others were having similar issues.

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