[cvsnt] Re: Mobile user, two repositories, possible?

Javier Molina jmolina at [nospam]escobarenergia.com
Wed Oct 9 23:11:54 BST 2002

Looks like that might be a solution, thank you for the explanation.
Is there any more automated way, one that does not involve manually
copying the directories back and forth ? I'm trying to automate
as much as possible.

"Bo Berglund" <bo.berglund at telia.com> escribió en el mensaje
news:hv79quoh3f4fgrld4rmg0e5pcidncqle8p at 4ax.com...
> OK,
> in a situation where you are the single user of a module on the server
> you can actually do as follows:
> 1) Install CVSNT on the laptop (already done, I believe)
> 2) Copy the module folder in the repsoitory from the server to the
> laptop
> 3) Move the module folder on the server from the repository root to
> some location outside the CVS repository (for safe keeping)
> 4) Change the root of the checked out sandbox using the TCL macro
> ChangeRoot(GUI) in WinCvs to point at your local server and
> repository.
> 5) Work to your heart's delight while on the road and commit as you
> used to. These changes will now land in your local CVSNT server.
> 6) When you get back home just copy the Module folder from your laptop
> repository back to the server repository.
> 7) Then reverse the root change in 4 above to now point to the server.

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