[cvsnt] Mobile user, two repositories, possible?

jlcarpenter at household.com jlcarpenter at household.com
Thu Oct 10 17:29:29 BST 2002

I believe CVSup will do this.  You should be able to find a link from
cvshome.org or "CVS Bubbles" (use google to find this site).

James Lee Carpenter
Software Engineer
Household Technical Services
6602 Convoy Court
San Diego, CA 92111

ph: 858-609-2461
email: jlcarpenter at household.com

                           "Javier Molina"             To:     cvsnt at cvsnt.org                                                          
                           <jmolina@[nospam]           cc:                                                                              
                           escobarenergia.com>         Subject:       [cvsnt] Mobile user, two repositories, possible?                  
                           Sent by:                                                                                                     
                           cvsnt-admin at cvsnt.org                                                                                        
                           10/09/2002 01:26 PM                                                                                          

I have been using CVS for a few months now and
I don't know how I could ever work without it. Now I
have a laptop and would like a setup like the following:

- Master repository on server (like it was just until now)
- Repository on laptop, so I can work disconnected from
the master for long periods of time but still keep small
version changes

If I only used the master, after a few weeks' work offline,
all the changes would appear as a single commit, which is
what I'm trying to avoid.

Is it somehow possible to synchronize two repositories
in this fasion? Nobody else is working on these files, so
I don't have to worry about other users.

I'm working under Windows, so Linux-specific utilities
won't be of much use, I'm afraid, although I'd like to hear
about any utility for which Lin + Win versions exist.

Thank you in advance for any hints.

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