[cvsnt] Latest updates

Richard Wirth r.wirth at wirthware.de
Wed Oct 16 10:07:15 BST 2002

Hello Tony,

>> It looks like the Bug 'conflicts duering merge shown as "modified"' is
>> back again with the latest build (today in the morning)...
>> the CVS/Entries file only has 'Result of merge' for the conflicting
>> files.
TH> Hmm.. works fine here...  Are you doing something special/different to 
TH> trigger the bug?

I updated the cvsnt tree. And I have a slightly different build
environment (path to Kerberos, already added missing .lib references
etc.). Thus I got conflicts in the involved .dsp files.

These conflicts did only appear in the log. But the line in
CVS/Entries is "Result of merge"...
cvs server: Updating cvsntcpl
RCS file: /usr/local/cvs/cvsnt/cvsntcpl/cvsntcpl.dsp,v
retrieving revision
retrieving revision
Merging differences between and into cvsntcpl.dsp
rcsmerge: warning: conflicts during merge
cvs server: conflicts found in cvsntcpl/cvsntcpl.dsp
C cvsntcpl/cvsntcpl.dsp
/cvsntcpl.dsp/ of merge//TCVSNT_1_11_1_3_REL
Client: Concurrent Versions System (CVSNT)  (Daily Snapshot Build 57j) (client/server)
Server: Concurrent Versions System (CVSNT)  (Build 57h) (client/server)

Best regards,
 Richard                            mailto:r.wirth at wirthware.de

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