[cvsnt] tagging and ampersand module

Sebastien Abras sabdev at ibelgique.com
Thu Oct 17 15:12:28 BST 2002


I have configurated the modules file so that I have a module :

full_package    &lib1 &lib2 &lib3 &program

When I do a checkout, I get the following hierarchy of directories


I was hopping that, when I'm in the full_package directory, I could do
'cvs tag package_version_1'
so that every sub-modules get tagged.

Unfortunatly, I get the following error 
'cvs server: User 'xxx' cannot access E:/CvsHome/CVSROOT/EmptyDir'

This seems related to the 'Repository' file located in the directory 
'full_package/CVS'. This file contains 'CVSROOT/EmptyDir'

Is this a bug or a normal behaviour of Cvs ?


configuration :
    	OS : WinNT4 SP5     	 (server+client)
    	CvsNT    (server side)
    	CvsNT    (client side)
    	wincvs 1.03b9    	 (own build)

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