[cvsnt] cvsweb & cvsnt

Adam Braa Adam.Braa at portalplayer.com
Fri Oct 18 21:36:51 BST 2002

Hello all, 

Im posting here, because I cannot find a user group for CVS WEB NT. If there is one, please reply with that mail address.

This is my problem.

A dev has come to me asking that I make 1 module that only 4 people can access. 
That's not a problem. I changed permissions and its fine. 
He then states, he does not want anyone but those people to see what's in CVS WEB on his module, because its SECRET.

How do I get a module so that only 5 people can see and access its contents from CVS and CVSWEB?
Everything I've tried has failed to produce the required result.

Can this be done?

CVS Admin/Release Engineer
Desk: 425-825-2317

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