[cvsnt] Subdirectories in the CVS root

Oliver Giesen ogware at gmx.net
Tue Oct 22 14:04:43 BST 2002

> My project development directory structure looks something like:
> /dev/client_a/web
> /dev/client_b/web
> If I import both client's web projects into CVS, there is only one /web
> directory created under the CVSROOT.
> Does anyone have any solutions or suggestions about how I can set up CVS
> allow me to have multiple projects with the same name?

Why not simply import /dev/client_a/web as client_a/web and
/dev/client_b/web as client_b/web ? That would be pretty straight-forward.
Or is there a specific reason you want these two modules to be root-level

Alternatively, import /dev/client_a/web as client_a_web and
/dev/client_b/web as client_b_web and then add the following entries to your
modules file:

client_a_web_module -d client_a/web client_a_web
client_b_web_module -d client_b/web client_b_web

Now, checking out the modules client_a_web_module and client_b_web_module to
/dev will restore your original directory structure. This is admittedly a
terribly silly example and I wasn't very imaginative with the naming either
but I think you get the idea...

In any case I think the first approach should be the better one in your

All that said: no it's not possible to have sibling modules with identical
names. How should that work? A. The repository is just a plain file system
and B. how would you tell them apart?

Hope this helps.

JID: ogiesen at jabber.org
ICQ: 18777742

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