[cvsnt] CVSNT and WSAD

Veda Setlur cinwestoh at yahoo.com
Thu Oct 24 14:44:03 BST 2002

      I need to get CVS working with WSAD.  I
installed CVSNT on a server and set up the repository
as per instructions.  I see the repository on WSAD. 
When I try to add a project to Team via Synchronize
with Stream=>release, I get an error message that says
user "..." cannot update the project.  However if I
repeat the same "Synchronize with Stream=>Release once
more I can add the project.  But when I try to update
the project by editing one of the files and tryng to
release it I run into all kinds of problems with
"conflict on the updated file and update problems with
.classpath file.

What's happening?

I have bounced the servers.... restarted WSAD but
nothing seems to correct this problem.

Any help would be appreciated.

Thanks in advance

Veda S

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