[cvsnt] keeping a checked out copy and slashes

Eduardo Mylonas emylonas at automat.com.br
Tue Apr 1 13:07:11 BST 2003

I'm trying to test my "keeping a checked out copy" sequence, bu i'm having 
troubles with slashes"/" and backslashes"\" Windows and Linux difference.

The content of my postcommit file is:
[Pp][Rr][Oo][Jj][Ee][Tt][Oo] C:\Arquivosdeprogramas\cvsnt\keepuptodate.bat
That means that any commit on the Projeto module will trigger the 
keepuptodate.bat which is int the same directory as cvsnt.

The content of my keepuptodate.bat is:
@echo off
echo postcommit fired
cvs -d e:/cvsrepo/desenv co -d \\Mylonas\publico\cvscheckout Projeto

-d e:/cvsrepo/desenv: is the path to my repository
-d \\Mylonas\publico\cvscheckout: is the path to where the module will be 
checked out to (Mylonas is my local machine from where i run wincvs)

OK, so far so good. When i execute a commit on my local wincvs, i get the 
cvs checkout: Updating \\Mylonas\publico\cvscheckout
cvs checkout: Updating \\Mylonas\publico\cvscheckout/teste
postcommit fired
U \\Mylonas\publico\cvscheckout/arquivo.h
U \\Mylonas\publico\cvscheckout/arquivo.txt
U \\Mylonas\publico\cvscheckout/foto1.png
U \\Mylonas\publico\cvscheckout/teste/teste.txt
U \\Mylonas\publico\cvscheckout/teste/teste1.txt
***** CVS exited normally with code 0 *****

As you can see the, keepuptodate.bat is being executed, and at first you 
can think the checkout is made. But notice the difference between the 
slashes and backslashes, highlighted on the last line of the response. and 
i believe that is making the checkout not to accomplish.

I must use the backslash because i'm accessing the local network from 
windows nt. Is there any way to invert the backslash on some script or 
something? Or even any other solution for that problem.


Eduardo Mylonas
Automat Eng. de Automacao - Desenvolvimento
mailto: emylonas at automat.com.br
fone: (41) 3029-2904
ramal: 207

C:\Arquivosdeprogramas\cvsnt\cvscheckout Projeto

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