[cvsnt] Re: rlog problem

Tony Hoyle tmh at nodomain.org
Thu Apr 3 22:10:05 BST 2003

Terris Linenbach wrote:

> The filename is c:\rcs\rcs.exe.  The folder I'm navigating to doesn't
> contain spaces either.

What about the files within it?  It's not the directory name AFAIK that's
the problem but the filenames returned when ViewCVS scans the directory

> I have two folders with UCS2 files in them.  The both fail in exactly the
> same way, unlike the rest of the repository.

The cvsnt repository has a UCS2 file in it (the test.txt file is one).  It's
working fine...  That may not be a truly scientific test (since I'm running
that repo on Linux) but seems to suggest there's nothing inherently wrong
with it.

It's a pity the output from Python stack dumps is so cryptic... I can't tell
exactly what's wrong.


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