[cvsnt] Quoting issues

Tony Hoyle tmh at nodomain.org
Fri Apr 4 17:17:52 BST 2003

On Fri, 4 Apr 2003 11:09:33 -0500, "Keith D. Zimmerman"
<kzimmerman at eshcom.com> wrote:

>Posted to two lists...  Sorry, but it seemed the right thing to do
>	>In C:\builds\beagle.net: cvs.exe -q -x commit -m "wasn't
>linking properly to codebase.  used ..\..\ instead of v:\" "work/Company
>Setup/Company Setup.dsp"
>	>CVSROOT=3D:sspi:server2:/ewcode
>	>
>	>cvs [commit aborted]: cannot find Setup/Company: No such file
>or directory
>	>
>	>Error, CVS operation failed
>Copied from TortoiseCVS dialog.  Why isn't it working correctly?
>"work/Company Setup/Company Setup.dsp" is quoted properly, no?

It depends on how Tortoise is sending the command to CVS... try typing the
same into cmd.exe - it should work there.. eg:

D:\Develop>cvs commit -m "test test" "directory\test directory\foo bar.txt"
cvs [commit aborted]: cannot find directory\test directory\foo bar.txt: No
such file or directory

..which looks right (I don't have such a file) and is handling the quoting OK.


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