[ViewCVS] RE: [cvsnt] ViewCVS and enscript on Windows 2000 Server with IIS andCVSNT
Daniel López
D.Lopez at uib.es
Thu Apr 10 11:34:10 BST 2003
I just wanted to let you know that I managed to get it to work with your
instructions, but with some modifications. In the line 616 of
viewcvs.py, I had to specifiy the full path to get to the sed binary,
even though it is in the PATH, and I din't have to remove the extra '-'
or the '--language=html'. Now it works! :)
Thanks for the instructions,
Glen Starrett escribió:
> For those who didn't know already (like me) I posted an extra couple of
> links in the text of http://www.cvsnt.org/wiki/ViewCvsWithEnscript to let
> you know that enscript colorizes CVS files.
> Thanks for the info Keith!
> Regards,
> Glen Starrett
> -----Original Message-----
> From: cvsnt-bounces at cvsnt.org [mailto:cvsnt-bounces at cvsnt.org]On Behalf
> Of Keith D. Zimmerman
> Sent: Tuesday, April 08, 2003 9:50 AM
> To: viewcvs at lyra.org; rey4 at columbia.edu; cvsnt at cvsnt.org
> Subject: [cvsnt] ViewCVS and enscript on Windows 2000 Server with IIS
> andCVSNT
> I've managed to get this to work, here are the requirements...
> The following packages were downloaded from downloaded from
> http://sourceforge.net/project/showfiles.php?group_id=23617 and
> installed in e:\program files\gnuwin32 (program files lives on e:\, I
> know it's weird...)
> GNU enscript 1.6.3 (enscript-1.6.3-2-bin.zip)
> GNU sed version 4.0.6 (sed-4.0.6-1-bin.zip)
> libiconv-1.8-1-bin.zip (you should only need libiconv-2.dll from
> this package)
> libiconv-1.7-bin.zip (you should only need libiconv.dll)
> libintl-0.11.5-2-bin.zip (you should only need libintl-2.dll)
> gettext-0.10.40-bin.zip (you should only need libintl.dll)
> I have no idea why there are two version of libintl.dll and
> libiconv.dll, but renaming or copying one to the other failed.
> Enscript.exe requires libintl.dll and libiconv.dll; States.exe (called
> by enscript, I think) requires libintl-2.dll and libiconv-2.dll.
> The bug in the enscript 1.6.3-1 documented in the ViewCVS 1.0-dev for
> Windows Release 3 distribution appears to be fixed in enscript 1.6.3-2,
> so I didn't use the patched version.
> Edit the file E:\Program Files\gnuwin32\etc\enscript.cfg, and changed
> all instances of c:/progra~1/enscript to e:/progra~1/gnuwin32 (there
> were four). If enscript cannot find it's enscript.cfg, you'll need to
> set the environment variable ENSCRIPT_LIBRARY to point to it. Mine
> seemed to work right out of the box, so I didn't worry about it.
> Now let's consider ling 615 of viewcvs.py (found in the libs folder
> under the path where you installed viewcvs). The 'sed' command is
> issued with no path specifier, so you need to make sure the sed you just
> installed is in your path. 'enscript' is called from the path set in
> viewcvs.conf in the 'enscript_path' variable, but since I already placed
> e:\program files\gnuwin32\bin in my PATH, I didn't need to worry about
> it. Also, viewcvs is calling enscript with two "-"'s as the final two
> parameters - according to the enscript docs, passing '-o -' will write
> to stdout, but to read from stdin, you just don't pass an input file
> name, so I eliminated one of the "-"'s.
> Finally, set use_enscript = 1 in your viewcvs.conf
> That should be all.
> http://your-server/viewcvs.asp/your/file/path/and.ext?rev=1.2&content-ty
> pe=text/vnd.viewcvs-markup
> Errors encountered and overcome during this process...
> Problem: enscript was failing. Ran viewcvs in debug mode, found the
> exact command line, and ran it from the console.
> 1. dll's not found, twice. Once from enscript.exe, once from
> states.exe. Fixed by installing the packages above.
> 2. enscript still failed, saying "File not found". If I eliminated the
> '--language=html' parameter, it worked. This was caused by the
> incorrect entries in enscript.cfg.
> 3. Tried running a different version of enscript, but it also failed,
> saying it couldn't find the enscript.cfg file. This was fixed by
> 4. Both versions of enscript now seemed to be working ok on the
> console, but still failing inside IIS, with a message saing
> CreateProcess failed, file or path not found. This was when I noticed
> the call to sed, and installed sed, and all was well.
> I've also posted this text to
> http://www.cvsnt.org/wiki/ViewCvsWithEnscript
> Now if only I could manage to get line number support in the html output
> :)
> keith d. zimmerman, mcsd
> eagle solutions
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