[cvsnt] Re: Ampersand modules again [was: cvs checkout -d broken in 2.0.0?]

Tony Hoyle tmh at nodomain.org
Tue Apr 15 18:21:03 BST 2003

On 15 Apr 2003 18:03:51 +0200, Oliver Koltermann <okoltermann at gmx.de> wrote:

>But now I saw an even more bad behaviour: While using the workaround
>cvs checkout ampermod
>ren ampermod xyz
>i even get a corrupted working copy *without* the -d option. There
>seems to be a discrepancy on the place between some files and the
>corresponding CVS folder. I get a CVS folder in the actual working
>directory with the Entries, Enties.Extra, Repository and Root of a
>subdir (WinCVS claims missing files here). In the corresponding
>subdirectory I find the files and a CVS folder with contents that lead
>WinCVS to the conclusion that the files are "NonCvs file"s.
Have you tried 2.0.1?  That doesn't do the ampersand correctly if you don't
specify the '-d' but seems to be OK if you do. (which is annoying because it
worked last time I tried it).  It certainly seems to get the CVS/Entries right
in any case.

It's possible you're the only one using ampersand modules, but it'd be nice if
it worked.


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