[cvsnt] Re: Starting over

Andre Francois amodu at hotmail.com
Mon Apr 28 02:39:22 BST 2003

Thanks for the prompt reply and the answer.

Bo Berglund wrote:

> On Sun, 27 Apr 2003 17:13:54 +0000 (UTC), amodu at hotmail.com (Andre
> Francois) wrote:

> >Here is my newbie question.
> >I am practicing the steps I will need to perform to start a project using
> >CVS.
> >I am using my network at home documenting the steps and then I'll perform
> >them at work.
> >I just imported a directory (heirarchy) into a cvsnt install and I want to
> >repeat the process from scratch on the same server.  How do I completely
> >remove this directory from cvsnt?

> If you have access to the CVSNT server PC then you can navigate to the
> repository folder using Windows Explorer and physically delete the
> subfolder containing the imported module including all its files and
> subfolders.
> This will effectively remove all traces of the module from CVS.

> >When I remove it how will this affect the client (WinCVS)?  Do I have to
> >remove something from it as well?

> If you have something checked out on the client side, then just use
> the Windows Explorer and delete the whole module folder on the client
> with its subfolders and files. This removes the module on the client
> side too.
> >
> >Should I just uninstall cvsnt and reinstall to remove all signs of the
> >repository and directory?

> It won't help because since the install did not create your repository
> and its files the uninstall will not remove them. They and the
> registry settings still remain so that when you reinstall CVSNT you
> are back where you started with the repository intact with the module
> and all.
> This is actually a very good thing because one can safely switch to
> newer versiosn of CVSNT without worrying about destroying anything in
> the repository.

> HTH,

> /Bo
> (Bo Berglund, developer in Sweden)

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