[cvsnt] Perl Code Commit Question

Peter N. Everett pete at Princeton.EDU
Tue Apr 29 16:44:17 BST 2003

We've installed cvsnt, and I started to upload some of my Perl code to
the repository, and I've hit a snag.  I have a module called Date, which
contains various date-manipulation functions and variables.  One of the
variables is an array that contains month names.  So code to access this
from an external module looks something like this:

my $MonthName = $Date::MonthNames[$Month];

The problem that I have is that cvs interprets the $Date:<misc stuff>$
as a date, and replaces it with the current date, so it overwrites my
code to look like:

my $MonthName =  $Date: April 29, 2003$Month];

Or something similar.

Now, I really like the idea of that sort of replacement, and I think it
would be really useful in the stuff that I'm doing, but I'll have to
rewrite a pretty big chunk of my existing code to work around this
particular problem.  So here are my questions.  

1) Is that variable interpolation done by the server or the client?

2) Could it be changed so that instead of looking for $Date:<stuff>$, it
looked for $Date: <stuff>$?  So, keyword, colon, space, then stuff.  If
so, that'd make my code work again.

Thanks for any advice you can toss my way.


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