mlschneider at bucketofbolts.net mlschneider at bucketofbolts.net
Fri Aug 15 15:45:18 BST 2003

Quoting Glen Starrett <grstarrett at cox.net>:
> > 1.1) to the repository and received the error below six times.
> > 
> > cvs server: Internal error: p_test_date must be an actual 
> > date, not TIME_ZONE_INFORMAATION format.
> > 
> > My environment is currently Windows 2000 Professional, SP4 on 
> > the client with WinCVS 1.3.13 acting as my front-end. At the 
> > back end, I have a Windows NT 4.0 Workstation SP6a. 
> It's just a thought here, maybe you have installed an older version of a
> DLL (from the SP) over a CVSNT one.  Try reinstalling CVSNT on the
> server and see if that straightens it out.

Well... I have some interesting news. I tried your suggestion, first at the
server machine, then at the client, and still received the error. So, to
eliminate WinCVS, I went straight to the command line, and tried the following
with versions 2.0.4 and 2.0.2.

CD to the root of the module. Exec:
  c:cvs commit -m "no message" Solution\sql\defaults.sql
and I get the error 6 times with both versions.

CD to module\Solution\sql. Exec:
  c:cvs commit -m "no message" defaults.sql
no error in either version. This is repeatable.

Any new thoughts?
Thanks again.

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