[cvsnt] Permanently remove/delete folder from within a module

Aaron Kynaston akynaston at novell.com
Tue Aug 19 23:59:22 BST 2003

I've had similar situations - you can edit the repository directly, as
long as you do it with caution, and realize what impact your actions

I've found deleting files directly from the repository is quite
effective when you simply want them to be cleaned out.

A possibly more widely accepted way to do it, would be to cvs rm all of
the files you don't want, then clean up the Attic directories in CVS.

Make sense?

Aaron Kynaston
akynaston at novell.com
office: (801) 861-6709
cell: (801) 368-8633
fax: (801) 861-6778
Novell Inc., The leading provider in net services software.

>>> "Samuel Neff" <srnlists at speakeasy.net> 8/19/2003 4:16:18 PM >>>
We just started using CVS for a web project.  The project has two root
folders which I created as two modules.  I didn't review the files in
project before creating the modules--big mistake.

Turns out the project has 10,000+ files in it.  The problem is there
three folders which are intermingled with the code folders that have
uploaded images and intermediary text files.  These are about 7,000 of
files and take up about 500mb.  These do not need to be in CVS.

Now that I've put all this junk into CVS how can I permanently remove
files from CVS including all the revision info?  These files never
have been in CVS so I'm not worried about losing history or anything.

If I have to I can delete the repo entirely and recreate it without
files, but then I'll lose the existing history (about two weeks of



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