[cvsnt] Shared File Delima

Warren, Erik Erik.Warren at delta.com
Wed Aug 20 15:25:50 BST 2003

We have the same situation as you do.
Dozens of individual projects but every one of those also makes use of fortran code common to other projects.  There are at least two (yeah, I know understatement of the year) different ways to approach this situation.

Approach 1 - Ampersand modules approach
Files used by multiple projects are located in a module we call util.
The util module is a sibling of all your project modules.
Use relative references when including files located in the util module in a project.
Lets assume that two of the projects you have are called aaa and bbb.
In the modules file you create an entry for each of these modules.
Create an alias module to specify the files located in the util module which are used by aaa called aaau.
Create an alias module to specify the files located in the util module which are used by bbb called bbbu.
An alternate to creating an alias module which specifies individual files would be to create an entry for the util module.
Finally create one ampersand module which includes both aaa and aaau then a second ampersand module which includes both bbb and bbbu.
When you use ampersand modules in this way you end up with many copies of the files in util in your sandbox.  Be aware that when you update the files in the /util folder under projaaa those changes will not be visible in projbbb until you do an update on the file under projbbb.  Therefore you may have several copies of the same file in different locations in your sandbox and each copy may be a different revision or tag.

Using this approach your modules file would include:
aaa aaa
bbb bbb
aaau -a util/uuu1.code util/uuu2.code util/uuu3.code util/uuu5.code
bbbu -a util/uuu3.code util/uuu4.code util/uuu6.code
projaaa &aaa &aaau
projbbb &bbb &bbbu

Or you might want to use the full util module in both projects and your modules file would include:
aaa aaa
bbb bbb
util util
projaaa &aaa &util
projbbb &bbb &util

Your file structure when you check out the ampersand modules would be as follows:


Approach 2 - Full repository checkout approach
This approach is the same as the first with one except that you don't make any ampersand modules and you keep all modules in your repository (or all the modules you are personally interested in) checked out to your sandbox all the time.
Files used by multiple projects are located in a module we call util.
The util module is a sibling of all your project modules.
Use relative references when including files located in the util module in a project.
Lets assume that two of the projects you have are called aaa and bbb.
In the modules file you create an entry for each of these modules and for the util module.

Using this approach your modules file would include:
aaa aaa
bbb bbb
util util

Your file structure when you check out all modules would be as follows:


Obviously there are advantages to each method as well as personal taste involved.
We use the second approach but we have a very small group and we do practically no branching whatsoever.  I suspect that if you develop on branches regularly you will prefer to use the ampersand modules approach.  Be aware that there has been a lot of traffic on this mailing list lately regarding the behavior of ampersand modules and I think Tony is considering a major overhaul of the code that handles modules.

Erik W. Warren
Sr. Engineer - Flt. Ops. Engineering
Delta Air Lines
Dept. 088
P.O. Box 20706
Atlanta, GA 30320-6001
Ph (404) 715-7229
fax (404) 715-7202
erik.warren at delta.com

-----Original Message-----
From: user at domain.invalid [mailto:user at domain.invalid]
Sent: Wednesday, August 20, 2003 7:19 AM
To: cvsnt at cvsnt.org
Subject: [cvsnt] Shared File Delima


This is a theory question...We are getting ready to migrate from VSS to 
CVS (good move, I know) and we are wanting to rearrange our directory 
structure.  However, I'm having trouble finding good advise or examples 
of what to do with shared files.  For example:

Project1, Project2 and Project3 all use the abc.code file (not a shared 
DLL but an actual compile file).  The abc.code file lives in a central 
LIB directory.  The projects each live in their own directories.  What 
is the best way to set this up in CVS?  Should the directory structure 
be rearranged?  How are tagging and branching issues dealt with in this 

If someone could point me to some examples of what others have done with 
this, I would be most appreciative.



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