[cvsnt] Remove tag from ALL files in/below current directory

Oliver Giesen giesen at lucatec.de
Thu Aug 21 09:51:15 BST 2003


> It looks like the rtag command operates only on the whole 
> module, but I 
> want it to operate like "normal" commands (like update, 
> commit) in the 
> directory, including sub-directories.

So, where's the problem? ;)
You could even address individual files as modules. Take a look into the 
./CVS/Repository file in case you are unsure how to address a sandbox 
directory via module syntax.

Hope this helps.

In everybody's best interest, please do not post or CC technical 
questions to me in private unless they are specifically about a 
macro/product of mine that is NOT already bundled with WinCvs.
----	------------------
JID:	ogiesen at jabber.org
ICQ:	18777742

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