[cvsnt] Any way at all to use spaces in modules?

Oliver Giesen giesen at lucatec.de
Thu Aug 21 14:16:30 BST 2003

> I have previously done a global swap of the required text string on 
all files in
> the repository. Works fine with text files. 
> Backup the repo first (copy the whole thing to another folder).
> A change like this makes it look like the name was always the new way.
>Hope you have an editor that lets you do replace across multiple files.

I do but that's not a solution in our case. The folder in question is 
too exposed for this. It doesn't contain source code. It contains the 
layout and data-description files needed by our third-party report 
engine at runtime. You see, this directory is more or less distributed 
as-is with our application. The main app expects it to be below its own 
main directory. I'm currently moving over to a configurable location to 
effectively remove all hardcoded references to it from the code but the 
problem is that I need to remain able to recreate any old version of the 
product exactly as it might still be installed at a customer's.


----	------------------
JID:	ogiesen at jabber.org
ICQ:	18777742

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