[cvsnt] loginfo help

HODGES Mark Mark.HODGES at thomson.net
Tue Aug 26 11:15:10 BST 2003

Hi All,

I have been running CVSNT on a Win2K server for over a year without too many
major problems. I am currently using the following versions of software;
CVS NT version - 1.11.3 b66
WinCVS version -
PERL version 5 build 519

I use the LOGINFO file along with some DevGuy PERL scripts to send out
automated emails after each commit. The only addition to the default loginfo
file is the following line;
DEFAULT perl \perl\lib\cvs_loginfo_email.pl "%{sVv}" "$USER"

A few weeks back our wonderful IT department changed something, the person
left the company and now the automated emails no longer work! Whenever you
commit a file remotely, the following error message is returned;

'perl' is not recognized as an internal or external command, operable
program or batch file.

However if you commit a file from the server itself the emails are sent out.
Also if you open a command shell on the server and type PERL -v it finds the
application ok.

I have checked all the obvious things like paths and permissions but
everything seems to be ok.

Any help or advice is much appreciated.

Best regards,


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