[cvsnt] CVSNT tag...

Jeff Urlwin jurlwin at esoftmatic.com
Thu Dec 4 21:22:26 GMT 2003


I need to tag a project, but I'm getting errors from any of the following
commands (from the root project directory).  I'm just trying to tag it to
mark an event, which I know I've done before.

Cvs tag -c MYTAG
Cvs tag MYTAG
Cvs tag -R MYTAG

The cruxt of the error is: 

The following character string is too long:

And at that point, it lists all the files in the large subdirectories
(public_html, in this case, which is a critical directory).  There are a few
subdirectories which have problems with the tag.

Then, I get:
cvs server: Pre-tag check failed
cvs [server aborted]: correct the above errors first!

And my files are not tagged.

How do I resolve this?  



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