[cvsnt] Re: Strange company and product name in CVSNT2.0.13

Bo Berglund Bo.Berglund at system3r.se
Mon Dec 8 12:36:04 GMT 2003

I think that using the 7zip is optional and I would really rather have the original
InnoSetup file than a zipped up package like this....


-----Original Message-----
From: cvsnt-bounces at cvsnt.org [mailto:cvsnt-bounces at cvsnt.org]On Behalf Of Oliver Giesen
Sent: den 8 december 2003 10:57
To: cvsnt at cvsnt.org
Subject: [cvsnt] Re: Strange company and product name in CVSNT2.0.13

Andreas Tscharner wrote:

> Hello World,
> Who is Igor Pavlov? And why is his name displayed under company in
> the CVSNT 2.0.13 installer file? ;-)
> Best regards
> 	Andreas
> P.S. The product name seems to be 7-zip?!

Tony obviously used the new 7-zip support of ISTool (an editor for
InnoSetup scripts), which basically creates an uncompressed installer
and then wraps it in a 7-zip self-extrating archive. Thus the version
information you see refers to the self-extrator, not to the CVSNT
installer inside it. You will see that latter one temporarily somewhere
below your temp folder after you start the installer. Unfortunately
however, InnoSetup installers currently do not contain any version
information at all.

Hope this helps.

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