[cvsnt] Newbie question: CVSNT, Windows XP and SSPI...

Richard Aspden microchip at clara.co.uk
Fri Dec 12 13:06:20 GMT 2003

Okay, I completely missed the fact that the security on the repositry on 
NTFS was set to "Everybody" and "Full access". I've set it now purely to 
have the two users in question that I want to have access to the repository, 
and SYSTEM (so the CVS program can actually access it!) Unfortunately, this 
has now resulted in the repository being completely inaccessible, and 
TortoiseCVS is throwing the following message: 

In D:\Work\web\development: cvs -q -x commit -m "Testing CVS commits" 
CVSROOT=:sspi:rick at localhost:/NGSS 

cvs [commit aborted]: unrecognized auth response from localhost: cvs [server 
aborted]: Authentication protocol rejected access 

Error, CVS operation failed 

Sorry if I'm missing something obvious, but I haven't a clue here. 


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