[cvsnt] Multiple file operations hang

George Petrov petrovg at onetel.net
Wed Dec 17 21:59:27 GMT 2003


I'm using CVSNT 2.0.14 both on client and server. Both machines run Win2K.

Any operations I try to perform that involve more than 2 files hang. Eg.
when importing I can see on the screen the result of the first two files
being imported, then nothing comes up. If I check the repository on the
server though, I can see that all files have been imported.

That's no good however, because if I abort the operation from the client,
CVS comes up with an error (version conflict) when I try to use the files

It works fine for up to two files.

I saw other posts in various newsgroups describing what seems to be a
similar problem, but sadly, no answers.

Any advice much appreciated.


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